Breaking News: Catmail Just Got Cheaper!

The Cats at Banjo HQ are delighted to announce a significant reduction in the price of the subscription bundles that we offer. As of the 1st September 2021, you will be able to receive letters from as little as £2.49 per letter – almost the same as the price of a cup of coffee!

Our new prices are as follows:

Check out our newly priced subscription bundles here. These prices apply to all new purchases and subscription renewals. NB: These changes will be made automatically to existing customers. You do not need to change anything in your account and your next renewal will be charged at the reduced rate noted above. 

We have worked hard to improve our product in many ways over the last 18 months, updating our letter design, adding extra activities into the packs and increasing our digital offering. As we continue to grow we will continue to benefit from economies of scale and we will endeavour to always offer our customers the best value!

Should you have any questions or concerns about this price change or if you wish to upgrade your subscription plan, please email us at

If you haven’t subscribed to Banjo Robinson before – there’s never been a better time to sign up for a great round-the-world adventure with our magical cat! Check out our bundle options here.