Banjo Magic: Talk To Your Child Through Banjo

One of the most positive pieces of feedback we receive from our customers is how, as parents, they’ve been able to talk to their children through the mouthpiece of Banjo. It’s an odd time for many little ones at the moment, with COVID worries, not being able to see their friends and family as much and school transitions. When we see them upset, confused or angry sometimes it can be really hard to get them to open up and speak about what it is that’s truly worrying them. 

Here are some ways you can talk to your child through Banjo:

Banjo is their special friend

Sometimes children may not want to talk to their parents or members of their family about their worries as they don’t want to upset or make anyone angry. Having Banjo as the friend that they can rely on will reassure them that they can write to him whenever they want (just pass them a pencil, another reply sheet that you can print off here and tell them to write away! Make sure that they pop their reply under the sofa for Banjo!) and by using the PS part of the letter, you can respond to them in Banjo’s voice making them feel safe and happy. They can always rely on their loyal cat pal!

What would Banjo do?

Banjo is a kind and curious cat with a strong moral conscience! If your little one comes to you saying that their friend is being unkind or that they really would like their siblings chocolate, simply say ‘What do you think Banjo would do?’ Talk to them about kindness and how to deal with situations that they may be sad or angry in. Have a look at this blog that also deals with conflict too. 

Complete Banjo’s printable activities together

Sometimes your little one may not want to talk through a situation so, why not print off some of our activities and talk as you’re completing them together? They may be more open to talking if they’re concentrating on something else and it will help them become calmer about what has upset them. 

Worried that they may be different from others

Try explaining to your child that lots of cats have interesting markings – from tabby rosettes to little white socks. Banjo’s star on his eye is just like those – a unique and beautiful pattern on his fur which he’s had ever since he was a tiny kitten. Banjo loves his star – and was delighted to find out that his international cat cousins all have them too! Being different is great, it makes us so unique and FANTASTIC!

Add a PS Message to the end of every letter

Adding a personalised message to the end of every letter is the perfect opportunity for you to speak to your little one in the voice of Banjo. Even if they haven’t replied saying something is wrong, show them that Banjo cares by referencing something that has happened in their life recently. Some parents use the PS to broach tricky topics such as the bereavement of a family pet, for example: ‘I’m so sorry to have heard that Bruno died. He was such a good dog that we all loved very much and appreciated him helping deliver your letters to me.’ This will make them really think that they can talk to Banjo and that he knows what is going on in your wonderful home. 

Talk about Banjo with them, encourage them to find out where Banjo is travelling to and maybe even follow Banjo’s Spotify account and have a boogie together, as if Banjo is actually right there with you!


Lots of love, the Cats at Banjo HQ x

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