“This is glorious […] it completely enthralled our six-year-old tester.” The Independent
Authors you love
Banjo’s letters are written by bestselling children's authors.
Screen free fun
Real letters and activities through your letterbox.
Curriculum aligned
Covers 90% of the KS1 English syllabus.
Learn about the world
Follow Banjo and learn about new countries and cultures.
What’s inside
Every month, Banjo posts a letter and activity pack from an exciting new country – and your child replies!

A world map poster
Banjo sends a big, beautiful world map poster with his first letter. Add stickers to your map as he travels, learning about countries, continents and cats as you go.

Each pack contains:
A travelogue from Banjo
Creative activities
A country guide
A reply page
A reply envelope
A colouring-in page
A local recipe
A local map

9/10 children send letters back to Banjo, leaving them under the sofa before they go to bed. Banjo can answer their questions and congratulate them on their news – look out for his special notecards in your welcome emails!

Hello – I’m Banjo Robinson!
I travel the world visiting exciting places like the pyramids, the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China, sending fun-filled letters to my human friends back home. That’s right, real letters! In the post! Addressed to YOU!
Why don’t you send me a reply? You can leave it under the sofa before you go to bed and I’ll ask one of my animal pals at the United Paws Postal Service to collect it overnight. I can’t wait to see what your handwriting is like! (I’ve heard great things.)
*Cat disclaimer: Banjo’s letters are written with the help of children’s authors you may know and love!

Meet Banjo’s friends!

Emilio from Antartica

Lalao from Madagascar

Takis from Greece

Kokoro from Japan

Maria from Brazil

Tuya from Mongolia

Rated 5 stars
Trustpilot have rated us as excellent.
Makes writing fun!
9 out of 10 children write back to Banjo
170K letters sent
Banjo writes to children in over 43 countries around the world
96.5% recommend us
Our customers think we’re the cats pyjamas!
Join Banjo Robinson today!
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” ― Jules Verne, Around the World in 80 Days